How to pitch to brand

An Influencer Guide – Dos and Don’t of Creating a Brand Pitch

Creating a great pitch for a brand partnership is something that everyone should consider and practice. A great pitch can be the difference between an opportunity and a missed opportunity, especially if you’re just getting started. The key to creating a great pitch is to find your voice and connect with brands on a personal level.

Pitches are an essential part of trying to get a brand partnership. Most influencers know this, yet aren’t sure how to approach the situation. Brands want to work with those who understand their needs and that can create a campaign to connect with their audience. In this Influencer Guide, we take you through the process of what your pitch should include and how to craft it so that your communications skills as an influencer will shine through.

DO your homework.

You’ve got a great idea for a brand, and you want to show it off to the world—but before you do, you need to do your research. Make sure that the brand fits into what they’re looking for in an influencer. If it doesn’t, then it won’t get approved by them.

If you’re not sure what makes a good fit for their brand, take some time to read their online content and see if there are any patterns or themes that come up repeatedly in their content. See if there are any recurring themes or topics that seem like they would be right up your alley. If not, consider what kind of tone they use most often on social media and if it matches up with yours.

DON’T forget to sell yourself.

This may seem like a no-brainer, but when you’re creating a brand pitch, it’s easy to focus on what you can do for the company and forget about why they should want to work with you. Make sure that your pitch includes a clear explanation of why you are the perfect fit for their brand and how you can help them achieve their goals. You can also include information about any past successes or accolades that might help convince them that they need to work with you!

The key here is being genuine and authentic. Don’t just tell brands about your content—show them what makes it special! And don’t just tell them about your social media presence—show them who’s already following along!

DO be honest.

You want to show that you’re the perfect fit for the job and that you know what you’re doing. But if your pitch is too aggressive, it’s going to be obvious that you’re just trying to sell yourself.

So it’s important, to be honest about what your strengths are and how they match up with the job description. You can do this by being specific about what kinds of projects you’ve done before and what kind of results you’ve gotten on those projects. Don’t just talk about the good stuff—talk about failures too! This will help show that you’ve learned from past mistakes and are ready to tackle new opportunities with confidence.

We all make mistakes. We all have flaws. We all struggle sometimes. It’s okay! The best way to get through it is by just being yourself and communicating honestly with brands.

DON’T make the pitch too long.

It’s easy to get carried away when you’re writing a pitch. You want to make sure that your potential brand partner knows exactly what you have to offer them, so you throw in every single thing you can think of. But the truth is: if your partner wants to work with you, they’ll read all of your content anyway. So don’t feel like you have to cram everything into one email or message—they’ll be able to find it if they want it.

A good pitch will get the point across quickly and clearly, while still giving the reader enough information about what you’re offering so that they can make an informed decision about whether or not they want to work with you.

DO give them the value upfront.

This is one of the most important things you can do in your pitch, and it’s one that many people don’t even think about. When you’re creating a brand pitch, you want to make sure that the brands understand why they should work with you. If they don’t see what value there is for them, then they won’t be interested in working with you.

So how do you make sure that happens? By making sure your pitch contains all of these elements:

1. What problem are you solving for them?

2. Why is this important to them?

3. What’s in it for them?

DON’T try to fit into multiple categories.

This is a common mistake that many influencers make—they think that by being everything to everyone, they’ll be able to please all the brands who want them. But it doesn’t work that way. You have to be unique in order for your brand to stand out and be memorable.

When you’re pitching yourself as an influencer, it’s important that you identify what makes you unique, and then focus on those qualities when presenting yourself as a potential partner for a brand.

Remember that pitches should be tailored specifically to each brand as opposed to sending out a generic template. You should take the time to tailor your pitch based on the interests and needs of each brand you’re contacting.

DO use your own voice.

One of the things that makes influencers so successful is their personal brand. Their followers have come to know them and trust them because of their unique, authentic voices. So when you’re pitching a brand, don’t try to be anyone other than who you are.

Don’t try to force your message into someone else’s format or style. If there are elements of the brand that you like and want to include in your pitch, then do so! Just make sure that it’s not just the same thing over and over again. Your pitch should show them what makes YOU unique, not just tell them what makes THEIR brand unique.

DON’T Over-exaggerate.

It’s tempting to exaggerate when you’re pitching yourself to brands. You want to make sure they know just how incredible you are, so you might feel like you need to put a little bit of spin on things. But keep in mind that there are plenty of other influencers out there trying to do the exact same thing! You don’t want to sound like you’re exaggerating because it makes it seem like you don’t actually understand what makes you great.

So instead of putting on airs, focus on telling them exactly what makes you special—and why they should be interested in partnering with you.


Ultimately, your pitch should focus on the value that you bring to a brand as an influencer and how you align with their brand values. Remember that brand pitches will vary according to the brand itself. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach that works for every brand, so always start with research and preparation. It will help you to make your case in a way that’s relevant and interesting to the brand you’re pitching.

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